The Rev. Jan F. Hosea, Priest in Charge
As a lifelong Episcopalian, Jan felt the call to ordained ministry in the early 2000. Beginning work at the Cathedral of St. John, Jan served as LEM, Verger, Jr. Warden (twice) and various committees including the Capital Campaign Committee in 1998. After ordination to the Diaconate in 2009, she served the Cathedral and St. Chads and subsequently was ordained at St. John’s to the Sacred Order of Priests in 2010.
In the following years she was Associate Rector at St. Chad’s for 13 and half years (with 16 months as Interim Rector). Following “retirement” from that position, she accepted a call to St. Andrew’s Las Cruces.
Prior to ordination, Jan was an executive for nonprofit organizations, a Fund Raiser (had her own consulting Co,) most recently serving The University of New Mexico School of Law and Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation.
Jan has taken her ordination vows seriously to serve the greater church and has been on the Cathedral Chapter, Disciplinary Board, CLAD, and COMB. She currently is on the Standing Committee and Trustees of the Property. She also served as the Chaplain for the DDRG Daughters of the King.